I am amazed every day when I read the news at some of the outrageous events occurring in the United States and especially how some people react. Actually, I am beginning to believe that truly we have lost our moral compass.
The latest story was about a woman in the Midwest who put a “Roommate Wanted” advertisement on a bulletin board at her church. Seems innocent enough, don’t you think? Guess it would have been except in the body of the request she wrote that she preferred a Christian. Once again, it seems pretty innocuous to me. If that is who she wishes to share her house or apartment with, I would think that would be her choice. After all, people have been putting these types of advertisements in newspapers for as long as I can remember.
But it appears that the Christian part offended someone, and now the woman is being sued for discrimination. Hopefully, she will prevail, but look at all the time and money she will have to spend defending her freedom to choose a roommate.
Already, the story said she would have to hire a lawyer at a minimum. And if she loses? Well, then we all lose. Where have our brains gone?? I’m beginning to believe like some have predicted that before long, we will not be able to say “one nation under God,” or carry money in our purses that say “in God we trust.” I almost dread the Christmas season. What else will those of us with traditional faiths and beliefs have to give up for the sake of “political correctness?”