Settings are the easiest for me to describe in my books because I try to weave in places I have actually visited and studied. Using them in my writing allows me to mentally visit them again and again and relive my experiences. Hopefully, you are traveling with me in both Keeping Faith and Promises Kept.
The most difficult part is deciding which places to incorporate into the chapters of my novels and how the characters will relate to going there or living in a particular setting. East Texas and New England were naturals because I lived in the former for all my formative years and have traveled many times to the latter.
The places in between cause me the most deliberation. Of course, who could argue with Italy? It is a gorgeous place with boundless history and intrigue. It was so easy to write about which, of course, made Carmella and Stefano easy as well. But so was Austria and Switzerland… and the list goes on.
I am so fortunate to be able to travel to so many wonderfully interesting and beautiful places. I admit to a bit of wanderlust. I have the book, 1,000 Places to See Before I Die sitting on my desk as inspiration, but I promise not to make you pack your bags for all those. I will, however, introduce a few new destinations in book three.
So, where is your favorite vacation spot, your dream trip or the best place you have ever visited? Take a minute to describe it in the comment section. After all, the readers like to hear from others besides just me. Maybe you can suggest a scene for my next book!!